Top 10 Channels
The list of our top 10 channels, based on user count, on our network. Please read through the
list and see if there are any channels/topics that peak your interest. If you don't find a
channel that suits your needs, please feel free to create it yourself and start your own online
community today!
These stats are updated every few minutes and was last updated about
1 second ago.
Name | Topic | Users |
#chat | Welcome to #Chat | Wheatons law applies: Don't be a dick | English Only | Current topic: Anything to strike a conversation | 8 |
#help | UnitedChat's official help channel - Network staff will be here to help assist with queries - Please ask your question in the channel. If may also check our website for some additional information - If noone is around, please log a support ticket here | 7 |
#network | An alternate chat/help channel on UnitedChat. Consider checking out #chat or #help if this channel is unattended. | 6 |
#bots | You can request ChanStats for your channel. It is an Eggdrop based bot that will create channel statistics you can use for your channel like these | 4 |
#united | no topic set | 4 |
#Adult | Welcome to #Adult | Adults Only (18+) | Please feel free to talk dirty, but please be respectful to each other | 3 |
#Rick | Rick's House - Testing / Chat Channel - Rick is alive Pur!! yay | 3 |
#Australia | Welcome to #Australia on UnitedChat - This is a place where aussies can get together and chat in a fun and inclusive network - Please keep it civil - With the recent bush fires in Australia, I would like to give out shout out to the brave firefighters putting their lives on the line to help project peoples lives and homes. | 2 |
#Help.Thai | no topic set | 2 |
#bluecountryparadise | Welcome to the Island of paradise where countrymusic speaks to the soul and the water is always crystal blue and the girls are amazingly hot. | 2 |